NUS Women

Global Centre for Asian Women's Health
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Why Work With Us?

We dream big

Women’s health differs from mens in many unique ways. To begin with, the health of families and communities is tied to women’s health. The illness or death of a woman has serious and far-reaching consequences for the health of her children, family, and the community. Due to the many roles women play, they are often too focused on the health of their spouses or children, neglecting their own needs. In fact, many health problems that affect women can be prevented if women’s care is prioritised.

We plan to succeed

The Centre is an initiative established under the umbrella of the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. We are a team who aims to build a global research platform for transdisciplinary endeavours to address major health concerns over a woman’s lifespan. “Healthy Women, Healthy World”, embodies the fact that often as custodians of family health, women play a critical role in maintaining the health and overall well-being of their communities. And therefore, healthy women are the foundation for healthier societies.

We have a team of experts

In this Global Centre for Asian Women’s Health, we will identify global partners and together, we hope to chart a path to a healthier future for Asian women in Asia and globally—from clinical and population health perspectives—to help global Asian women stay physically and mentally healthy over their lifespan. To work with us, we will not only provide world-class resources in terms of research materials and technologies but also march into an advanced and revolutionary multi-disciplinary platform, covering major health concerns over a woman’s lifespan and transgenerational health.

Training Opportunities

With regard to the transdisciplinary scheme, the centre aims to bring the best in the field of training. In line with the centre’s global angle and strategic research plans, we provide global mentorship for students and fellows.

For student/fellow training:  To be announced soon

The centre aims to build an elite global research platform for transdisciplinary endeavours to address the biological, clinical, and population health aspects of common diseases that impact Asian women’s health. Through its main hub in Singapore, the Centre will engage in multi-disciplinary research and translation for disease prevention and aetiological investigation. We will work closely with global partners and national partners under the umbrella of the NUS school of medicine to build capabilities, foster collaborations, and to enhance and escalate the traditional one-on-one patient care and to translate findings from basic science research to population health.

For visiting or joint or collaborative faculty positions: To be announced soon

Faculty Hiring

Associate Professor

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Assistant Professor

Senior Research Fellow

Junior Research Fellow

Centre Manager

Research Associate

Research Associate, Biostatistician

Research Assistant

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MSc Programme Manager position

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Faculty Hiring

Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Senior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Centre Manager
Research Associate
Research Associate, Biostatistician
Research Assistant

Reach Out to The Hiring and Training Team

The Global Centre for Asian Women’s Health is established as a unit within the Dean’s Office, at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. This centre aims to build a global research platform for transdisciplinary endeavours to address major health concerns over a woman’s lifespan. Through its main hub in Singapore, the Centre will engage in multi-disciplinary research and translation for disease prevention and etiological investigation.

Contact us at
Twitter: @GloWNUS

Office hours: 9am-6pm
Days: Monday to Friday